What is included in this Dinosaur Research Unit?
Students will first learn how to use the text features in an informational text including the table of contents and index. They will also learn how to find credible sources on the internet. Then, students will be assigned a type of dinosaur to research(and optionally, a partner or group to work with). Students will have a Dinosaur Research Journal that they will use as a guide as they research the dinosaur in general as well as their assigned dinosaur.
Once students have completed their research, they will use it to complete two culminating activities: a report/presentation and a salt dough fossil of their dinosaur. Finally, other classes and parents will be invited to the “Dinosaur Fair” where your students can show off their dinosaur fossils.
- Teacher Info Pages: This includes a sample unit outline, grading rubric, lesson plans for internet research, intro lesson, research journals, and final projects.
- Book research/ text features worksheets: Students will review other text features including a glossary, titles, headings, photos, captions, graphs/charts, and special print. They will also compare and contrast the table of contents and index.
- Internet research worksheets: These worksheets will familiarize your students with how to find credible sources on the internet for research. These can be completed digitally!
- Dinosaur Cards Cards with the name and clip art of each type of dinosaur of water. You can use these to assign students a dinosaur to research.
- Research Journals: The research journals will guide the students throughout their research. There is one question on each page for the students to find the answer to. 19 pre-written pages are included, plus 2 blank ones to add your own questions. Since this is the Google Slides version, students can TYPE their answers right into the journals! Full-page and half-page versions are BOTH included in this resource. Choose which version is best for your students.
- Salt Dough Fossil & Dinosaur Report Instructions Lesson plan for the student’s final project
- Salt Dough Fossil Example A photo example of the final project
- Parent Letter & Dinosaur Fair Invitation: Keep the parents in the loop! Let them know what is going on with the unit and invite them to the fair, if you decide to host one.
- Final Report Pages and info: A final report page is included as well as examples and lessons to have students create a salt dough model of their dinosaur.
- **BONUS! ALL PAGES in the document are included in both vivid color AND Ink Friendly Black & White for your convenience**
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