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These are the terms of use for all resources created and copyrighted by Wife Teacher Mommy, LLC.

These terms may be modified or clarified at any time. Usually any edits will be for clarity. We strive to make our resources as easy as possible for our customers, while still protecting our work.

If you have any questions about our terms of use, email us at

Here are the basic terms of use:

You MAY:

  • Make as many copies as you need for your own personal and classroom use
  • Privately share this resource digitally with your students as needed for them to complete assignments
  • Share the link to our website so your team members can purchase licenses our resources.
  • TEMPORARY COVID-19 EXCEPTION: You may share our resources on any classroom or district website for the sole purpose of students/parents getting needed assignments during a school shutdown or for distance learning, provided that any public link is removed as soon as possible and you are in communication with our team regarding this use. Please email us at if you plan on using our resources in this way. Please note that a public link is defined as a link on a public website in which anyone on the internet could potentially find the link and download the file. If it is password protected, via a system like Canvas, or in a private drive, then this is always allowed.

You may NOT:

  • Share this resource with your team (digital or copied versions)
  • Any kind of file sharing that is public and not for the use of sharing the file with your students (ex: a Facebook group or Google Drive where teachers share resources with each other instead of purchasing their own licenses)
  • Benefit financially from this resource in any way (selling the digital file or hard copies)

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