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Exciting 100th Day of School Activities By Subject

Congratulations! You have successfully made it to the 100th day of school! It’s time to celebrate with your students!

There are lots of fun ways to celebrate this special day, so I have created a list of activities you can use. The list is divided up into subject areas to help you plan your entire day! 

To make your planning and preparation easier the activities with a * by them are included in Wife Teacher Mommy’s 100th Day of School Activities. If you want all the work and planning done for your 100th day of school, grab it today and all you have to do is print!

100th day of school certificate for 100th day of school activities

Language Arts

100 Point Words

Challenge your students to find a word in which the letters add up to 100 points. 

This is a great critical thinking challenge! Assign each letter of the alphabet a point value such as A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on. Have them posted somewhere in your classroom so that your students can see them. Then your students will pick words and total the points in the word to try and find a word that totals 100 points.

Teacher= 60 points

Education= 92 points

You can make it into a fun classroom challenge to see how many 100 points words the class can find!

“100” themed writing prompts*

I love to use themed writing prompts! I feel like kids get less caught up in the type of writing (argumentative, opinion, narrative, or informative). They just get excited about the topic and usually have lots to say!

Here are a few ideas of themed writing prompts for the 100th day of school:

  • *What would you do with $100? 
  • *What will the world look like in 100 years?
  • I wish I had 100 ___
  • What will life be like when you turn 100?
  • Before I am 100 years old, I want to…
  • If I could travel 100 miles, I would go to….
  • Would you rather have 100… (fill in the blank with your own ideas!)
  • My favorite thing we did in the past 100 days of school was…

100 favorite books*

Compile a list of 100 favorite books with your class. Have each student write a short summary about their favorite book, or books depending on the number of kids in your class. 

100 sight words*

This one is great for younger students. Ask your class, “Do you think we can read 100 words?” Have your students write down words that they know how to read. Total it up to see if you can read 100 words! 

Read a book about the 100th day of school

There are lots of cute books written for the 100th day of school. Here are a few favorites:

If you are looking for some fun ways to mix up your reading try our Literature Circles Book Study Toolkit.


Count and stack* 

Give your students counters, coins, blocks, Lego blocks, cubes, etc., and have them create 10 stacks of 10 to count to 100. 

Want to make it more of a challenge for upper grades? Challenge your students to design and build a structure using exactly 100 items. 

Forms of 100 BINGO*

Talk to your students about all the different ways they can write 100 (standard form, word form, expanded form, in an addition or subtraction problem). Then have them pick 24 ways to write 100 and fill out a BINGO card and have fun playing BINGO as a class!


Fill a few containers with different quantities of the same item such as M & M’s or beads. Your students will use their estimating skills and guess which container holds 100 of the items. 

Social Studies

Map activity*

Ask your students to use their map skills to find out what is 100 miles away from your school or other locations. See if your students can find out what is 100 miles away in every direction.

Practice research skills*

Help your students to determine what year was 100 years ago. Then, using a computer, tablet, encyclopedia, or other resources, have them find out about important people or events from that year.

Finally, have them write about what they learned! You can ask them to write about the year as a whole or about a specific person or event of their choosing.


100 drops of water*

Begin by asking your students which coin they think will hold 100 drops of water. Challenge them to try it out and see if their guesses were correct.


Draw yourself at 100

Tell your students to picture what they think they will look like when they are 100 years old, then have them draw what they think they’ll look like!

Another fun way to do this is to have your students dress up like they are 100 for the day.

Make a cereal necklace with 100 charms

Using cereal or beads have your students count out 100 items. Next, have them make a necklace with their 100 charms.

Decorate the number 100

Another fun art activity is to have your students turn the number 100 into something else in a drawing or painting. 

Let their creativity run wild and see how they can re-imagine the number 100.


100 exercise challenge

Looking for a good workout? See if you and your students can do 100 exercises! Jumping jacks, push-ups, squats, sit-ups, anything works! 

You can try to do 100 all at once or you can divide up the exercises into sets of 10 and see how many sets your class can do.

Decorate your classroom

Our 100th Day Of School Activities come with a cute banner for your to print and hang up in your classroom. If you are looking for more decorations or fun t-shirts check out our Amazon storefront which has books, t-shirts, & decorations to make your day extra special!

What other activities do you use to celebrate the 100th day of school? Don’t forget to save this post on Pinterest!

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