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Free Printable Substitute Teacher Forms & Sub Binder Template

Inside: These free printable substitute teacher forms & sub binder templates are perfect for elementary teachers!

free sub planning starter kit pages- free printable substitute teacher forms & sub binder template

Taking a day off as a teacher is stressful when you wait to plan until the last minute! Not only do you have to worry about plans while you are away, but you may also worry about how the day will go while you’re gone. You want the day to run as smoothly as possible, right? This is why it’s a great idea to not only have emergency sub plans on hand but also a substitute binder.

Your substitute binder should include the information your sub will need to know for a successful day in your classroom. It’s a great idea to include a letter to your sub, schedules, school information, routines, a class list, and more in your substitute binder. (Learn more about how to create a Brilliant Sub Binder here!) 

It can be overwhelming to get all of this together from scratch. That’s why I’ve created this FREE sub-binder template with editable substitute binder forms to help you get started! This freebie includes:

  • An editable note to your substitute.I’ve typed in some ideas of what you can include in your letter. All you need to do is sign your name- but you can also customize it with your own info if you’d like, too!
  • Bell Schedule. Every school has a different schedule. This will let your sub know the general flow of the day at your school. It will also let them know which bells are important, and which ones they can ignore!
  • School & Staff Info. This is very helpful for the sub so they know who to talk to if they have any questions. With this form, you can let the sub know who some teachers are and their room numbers if they have any questions. You can also note the principal, secretary, nurse, and any other staff they would need to know. And lastly, the address and phone number of the school can also come in handy!
  • Class Rules & Behavior Management If you want your day to run smoothly while you are away, let your sub know your general class rules and management procedures. The classroom will run as usual if the sub knows what they are supposed to do!
  • How Did Your Day Go? Substitute Notes Form Sometimes, substitutes are busy and may not leave detailed notes for you. If you leave a handy form for them, it makes it a lot easier and gives them a reminder! The sub can circle the emoji that represents how the day went, list students who did well and those who struggled, and any other notes about how the day went!
  • BOTH printable & digital pages in the Sub Planning Starter Kit

If this looks like something that could help you get your sub binder organized, you can click here to sign up to grab the free sub binder template now! 

When you put these free printable substitute teacher forms together in a sub binder, you’ll be off to a great start! Your substitute will greatly appreciate you having a sub binder put together. When your sub has access to this information, the day will go by a LOT more smoothly.

We’ve pulled this sample pack of materials from our SUPER popular Complete Sub Binder & Ready-to-Go Sub plans that have been downloaded THOUSANDS of times by happy teachers! So if you LOVE the free sub binder template and would like to expand upon it, even more, check out my Editable Sub Binder and my Complete Short & Long Term Sub Binder Bundle.

Make sub planning easier and get your free printable substitute teacher forms & sub binder template!

34 Responses

    1. Briana,

      Thanks so much for reaching out! I have emailed that direct link to our free sub planning kit to you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

        1. Thanks so much for reaching out! I just sent that over to you. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. Thanks so much!

  1. This link is broken. I doesn’t take me to the sub plans. Just repeatedly asks me to sign up again and again.

    1. Maria, Thanks so much for reaching out. I emailed the free sub planning kit to you. Please reach out if you have any questions!

    1. Chrisie, I emailed you a direct link to those files. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

  2. Hello, could you please email me a copy of the templates as well? The link is still not working. Thanks!!

    1. Stephanie, it should be automatic. I just emailed those over to you as well. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

    1. Harriet,

      Great news! You actually purchased our Editable Sub Binder last year. I emailed you with all the details to download your purchase which includes the teacher forms and sub binder template. Please reach out at with any questions!

    1. Jessica, I just emailed that to you. Please reach out if you don’t see it! Wishing you all the best in 2024. Thanks, Team WTM

    1. ML, Thanks so much for reaching out! I just emailed our freebies to you directly. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

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