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How to Delegate More This School Year [#144]

Click below to listen to episode 144, How to Delegate More This School Year:

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Key themes from How to Delegate More This School Year [#144]:

  • Redefining Delegation: Embracing a broader understanding of delegation to enhance mental clarity and focus.
  • Resource Utilization: Leveraging available resources within your teaching community and beyond.
  • Household Management: Delegating household responsibilities to maintain balance and mental well-being.
  • Tech and AI Integration: Using technology and AI to streamline educational tasks and boost efficiency.
  • Systematizing Success: Implementing systems that foster collaboration and ease the burden on educators.

The Art of Delegation: Streamlining Your Teaching and Rejuvenating Your Lifestyle

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my career, it’s that you can’t do it all alone—and you don’t have to! Whether you’re teaching a class, running a household, or just trying to keep your head above water, learning to delegate can be a total game-changer. So, let’s dive into how you can take a load off, refuel your spirit, and shine even brighter in your teaching career by embracing the art of delegation.

Defining Delegation

Kelsey kicks things off by redefining what delegation truly means for us teachers. It’s not just about handing off tasks to others; it’s about freeing up your mental space and allowing yourself to focus on what really matters. Imagine being able to offload those tasks that drain your energy—sounds like a dream, right?

Leveraging Available Resources

We’ve got so many resources at our fingertips, from fellow teachers to paraprofessionals, and even parents. Kelsey talks about how collaborating with your team and tapping into these resources can lighten your load. It’s all about clear communication and respecting each other’s strengths so everyone can shine.

Want to get started with some amazing classroom and homeschool resources? Check out the Educate & Rejuvenate Shop!

Easing the Household Load

Teaching isn’t the only thing on our plates. We’ve got homes to run, too! Kelsey covers how delegating household chores—like using grocery delivery services, meal planning, and even hiring a house cleaner—can help you find more time to recharge. Because, let’s be real, you can’t pour from an empty cup!

Tech and AI as Enablers

The future is here, y’all! Kelsey explores how technology and AI can be your best friends in streamlining those teaching tasks. From lesson planning to organization, there are so many tools out there that can save you time and energy. Don’t be afraid to embrace the tech wave and see how it can work for you.

The Power of Systems

Creating systems is like building a well-oiled machine that runs smoothly with or without you. Kelsey highlights the importance of setting up systems at home and in the classroom that involve everyone—from your students to your family. When everyone pitches in, things just work better!

So, what’s the one task you’re going to delegate today? Take that first step and feel the freedom! Kelsey’s insights are like a breath of fresh air, showing us how a little delegation can go a long way in rejuvenating our lives and making us even better at what we do. Let’s make the most of it, y’all!

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Read the transcript for How to Delegate More This School Year [#144] below:

What if you had your own personal assistant? Would it be a dream to offload as many tasks as you’d like for both work and personal life inside and outside of teaching? Well, while I can’t give you that right here on the podcast, what I can help you with are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing of how you can delegate more this school year, utilizing the resources you already have. Welcome to educate and rejuvenate the podcast, episode episode 144. Let’s go. Welcome to Educate and Rejuvenate, the podcast to help you revitalize your teaching, renew your spirit, and reignite your passion for life. I’m your host, Kelsey Sorensen, a former teacher, current homeschool mom, published author, and certified life coach. Whether you are a teacher in a traditional classroom, homeschool from your kitchen table, or anywhere in between, I am on a mission to help you not only survive as an educator, but thrive. Get ready to up level your skills with incredible insights from guest experts and discover the missing piece, rejuvenating yourself. Are you ready to both educate and rejuvenate? Let’s go.

How’s back to school going for you, my friend? I hope it is going so well. For me, we’re easing into our homeschool year right now. So you may or may not know this, but I am a homeschool parent. I have been since 2019, taught 3rd grade and sub k through 6 before that. So it’s been a fun education journey, but we are now I’m homeschooling my 5th grader. Now I’m going into 5th grade, my son, Parker, my 3rd grade daughter, Brielle, and my preschooler pre k, really, Peter. And so we are kind of easing back in. We did our 1st week of computer school this week as I’m recording, and then we’ll be starting we call it computer school and book school.

It’s just a simple way to phrase it for the kids. But they have their online program they do, which is like a full curriculum. And then I do lots of book school things with them with educate and rejuvenate resources, and then just exploring and learning and having so much fun together. And just making sure we hit all the bases of things we need to do, but also explore their own interests and everything. It’s so much fun. Again, that’s why I love supporting both homeschoolers and teachers here on the podcast because I’ve been both. So whatever you’re doing, or even if you’re an admin or, a paraprofessional or a any kind of teacher, online teacher, whatever college professor, wherever you are, I hope that back to school is going well for you. And, again, I will continue sharing some of the fun that we have this school year, my stories, on Instagram.
So make sure you’re following there. But today, I’m here on the podcast to share a little bit about how we can delegate more this coming school year. And this is a piece of the urgency matrix that we talked about on the podcast last week. So if you missed it, you don’t have to stop this one and go back to that one. But I’d really recommend circling back to that episode, because this is one piece of the urgency matrix that we talked about last week, and I felt like it deserved its own episode. Because I feel like what comes up a lot with the urgency matrix is when you talk about delegate. People are like, oh, well, that’s a nice idea, but, like, I can’t delegate. I don’t have somebody to just delegate stuff to at my job or, you know, I don’t have a lot of money to use to hire someone to come in and be my assistant or whatever.
Most of us aren’t doing that. Right? I mean, in my business, I hire people to be on my team, but that’s because, again, it’s, like, different. And that’s why in the business industry, people, like, when they talk about delegate, they’re usually talking about hiring. But when you’re talking to teachers or homeschool parents, just, you know, doing your everyday to day stuff, you’re not hiring people. Right? Maybe you have people at your school who you can, you may or may not have an assistant or whatever. But, again, there’s just so much. So today, we’re talking about how you can delegate. So one of my favorite things to do as a coach is just ask questions that people don’t usually ask.
Because so that’s where we’re going to start with. So what is delegation? I think a lot of us would just be like, oh, it’s telling someone else to do something. Right? But I really wanna know, what what does it mean to you to delegate something when you think about that? Because I feel like all of us might use different words to describe it. And what I found really interesting is I actually Googled and I do this every so often, like I did it back on a time when we were talking about selfish, and then that made it into my book as well, my upcoming book. But today, I Googled to prep for this episode the word delegate, and 2 words came up, and the first would actually be pronounced differently. Delegate came up. I’m like, oh, well, this is timely. It says, a person sent or authorized to represent others, in particular, an elected representative sent to a conference.
So, again, that’s kind of interesting because they never personally connected like, oh, yeah. That’s us delegating. It’s not like in when we vote, we’re voting for these delegates. We’re delegating someone else, technically, to put in that vote. Now I’m not getting into politics on this episode, but that’s kind of what it is. Like, you’re almost entrusting someone else to do something on your behalf when you’re delegating. That’s what I do with my team, with educate and rejuvenate. And, you know, as well, a lot of us will do with different things when we delegate.
But also, I do kinda want to expand on that definition a little bit. Here’s another definition, the second one that came up on Google. It says, to entrust a task or responsibility to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself. Now I didn’t totally love that second part, to be honest. I mean and I get what they’re saying. I get that in a job, there would be people who it’s like, oh, this is your direct report or whatever. But I also like to see delegation as just people playing to their strengths. Right? Like, this is my strength.
This is your strength. How can we support each other? How can we delegate to make this easier? So I really want us to kind of that’s why I wanted to ask the question to you. What do you think it means? And maybe we’ll even have a discussion about this, like, in my Instagram stories maybe, or in an an Instagram post, or in the educate and rejuvenate collective. Well, it’s educated and rejuvenated collective. I’m getting used to that. That Facebook group, our free Facebook group. Maybe we should have a conversation about what does it mean to you to delegate? But, I mean, what doesn’t it mean? To me, it definitely doesn’t mean guilting someone into doing something for you. Like, just kind of throwing your stuff on someone else and adding more problems to their plate.
To me, that’s definitely not what it’s about. Is it just asking someone else to do it for you? What does it mean to delegate something? So that’s what came up on Google. But to me, what I did like from that is, again, it’s kind of you having when you’re delegating, something else is representing you and doing that task for you. You’re also trusting someone or something we’re gonna talk about. It’s not always, like, a person you’re telling to do something per se. You’re trusting, like, an established resource or you’re trusting technology, or different ways we can delegate. So I really want to think expansively about what does it mean to delegate. And to me, if I were to just say a simple definition, to delegate is to offload something off my plate to something or someone else.
Like, I’m offloading it, and something else is going to get it done rather than me, myself doing it. So that would be my kind of broad definition of it. I would love to hear what you have to say about that too. I think delegation has gotten more advanced because we know how things like, AI. We have delivery apps. We have, like, teachers pay teachers for resources or the educate and rejuvenate club. And, again, so you may not be able to hire your own personal or professional assistant, but I’m hoping to get some ideas flowing for you. And I want you to realize ways you’re already delegating.
You might have seen this time, be like, oh, I can’t delegate. But do you ever purchase a resource on TPT or download a freebie? That’s delegating because you could have planned or done that yourself, but you’re delegating to that resource. You’re like, I’m finding something else that’s doing the work. Thank you. Now I’m gonna take it from here. Also, have you ever, like, gone through your drive through to pick up food on your way home from work? You’re already delegating. Instead of you making that food, you delegated to the people at Taco Bell, I say that because that’s my kids’ favorite, To make dinner for you. And that right there is delegating.
So I want you to realize ways to kinda think, I’m already delegating. Now what are some more ways that I can delegate? And hopefully that can help get some ideas flowing and get you believing that, yes, it’s possible for me to delegate. And, yes, it’s possible for me to do a little bit more this school year to give myself some more brain space, some more creativity, some more flow in my life, some more time to maybe read the educate and rejuvenate book that’s coming out or join us on an educate and rejuvenate coaching call, or listen to this podcast, right, to expand your mind and help you to fully lean in and rejuvenate. So that’s one reason why delegation can be so powerful and so important. So let’s talk about what we need to know to delegate first. So first, who and what you have available. Right? For example, I’m gonna talk about kinda some who’s you might have. And this is another thing that come when I talk about who’s, the reason that came up is there’s this book by, Benjamin Sullivan and Dan Hardy.
It’s called Who, Not How. So sometimes, like, I’ve it’s really a business concept, but I feel like it can also be applicable to just life as well. So it’s who, not how. It’s like I don’t need to figure out how absolutely everything is going to get done. I need to figure out who’s going to figure that out. Now sometimes that person is me. Sometimes it might be like, oh, there are certain things my students are actually responsible for doing or my own children. Or there are certain things that, oh, maybe this other person on my team, she’s way better at figuring out math than me.
I’m way better at language art, so we’re gonna kinda plan some things and share with each other. So that’s the who. I didn’t have to figure out the how. Right? So it’s just kind of a way to think about it. Like, who, not how. Or it can even be what, not how because if we’re talking about AI or teaching resource. Right? So it’s another interesting piece to think about delegation. And, again, that wasn’t even in my notes.
I love how in the episodes today, I’ve gone way off script on both of them. So sometimes things just come up, and I wanna share them. Right? Okay. So again, who you have available? Who or what? So your teacher team. Right? That’s a big one. So how can you work together and collaborate? Can you do rotations with another teacher or swap planning? Right? Can you even I mean and, again, you might not be able to just do this, but could you departmentalize? Could you rotate and be can you teach this subject? I’ll teach that one for some things. Like, you know, I I did that some as teaching, and as a kid, I loved that. I loved when my teachers did that.
Students love it. So that’s just one way you could think of maybe, oh, could I ask, could I see if there’s something we could do this year? Or maybe, again, it’s just switching planning like I mentioned. Also, and again, these first ones are if you’re teaching in a traditional school setting, if you’re teaching online, or if you’re homeschooling, hang tight. I’m getting to you. Because there’s a lot that’s just general or a couple homeschool things too. For example, and if you’re homeschooling, it could be co op. Right? So you don’t have to do all the homeschool planning. And we’re gonna talk about resources and curriculum and all that as well.
So the next one, paraprofessionals. Right? If you’re teaching in a school, you might have paras who are ready and willing and waiting to help you, right, with data collection or IEP goal practice or small groups. They might be just waiting for you to ask. Right? And so that’s all it takes. Also, depending on the demographic of the school you teach at, you might have parents as a great resource. Sometimes they can be an amazing resource. Then you might just need to send a letter home or a message on whatever it is you’re using to for parental communication. You might be able to get some support and help there.
And then, again, even students, depending on their grade, if you’re teaching, like, upper elementary or middle school or high school, you could have them grade each other’s papers rather than you doing all the grading. You could have classroom jobs. Those can be so helpful. And if you’re in the Educate and Rejuvenate Club, we have a whole resource that’s going to help you out with that, too. Also, your spouse and partner. You can also it’s always, like, the beginning of the school year is a great time if you have a spouse or partner to regroup and be like, okay. How are things going? Check up with each other and be like, okay. Here’s I’ve been doing this.
You’ve been doing that. Are there things we need to swap off? How is it going? Do you need more support? Here’s how I need more support. And that can be a way to again, it’s not delegate this is one where I’m like, you know, that’s where I don’t always like that who’s less senior than yourself. Like, your teacher team or even I don’t like to see someone as less than myself. You know? Even, like, paraprofessionals, they’re just in a different role. Right? A different strength. So we play to those different strengths, and we work together. So with your spouse or partner, you might figure out, like, oh, maybe it might work for us to change things up this year.
So that’s another thing to think of. Your own children. Right? And, again, it can take some more time just like it does for your students. It can take some more time upfront to, like, have them learn how to do different chores or different things. And so it might not happen right during August when you’re getting back to school, but something to think about this school year is what new systems can you create at home that make it easy for them to maybe start doing their own laundry. That is something we’ve been working on. Or for them to make sure that they clean up after dinner. Things like that.
Making sure that you don’t have to do it all yourself. Because I found myself be like, oh, it’s just easier for me to do it or whatever. But, again, delegating to the kids is teaching them life skills as well that they will learn and grow. And then, eventually, once they’ve gotten it, it’ll be a nice delegation tool for us as well. And then there’s also neighbors and friends who you can see maybe there are things you can trade that aren’t a big deal to you and something’s not a big deal to them, but they both, like, really help each other. So those are some ideas of ways of people, of who’s you can go to. And, again, anytime you’re delegating or working with a person to offload tasks and maybe you’re taking some for them too, clarity is the key. And also respect in checking in.
Like I mentioned, delegating is not about just shoving things off your plate onto someone else and giving them all your problems. That’s not what it’s about. So clarity and respect. And another thing is when you’re delegating, we can’t micromanage. Right? So it was kind of like a story I told in my book when there was a time where I was actually delegating some of our homeschool to my husband. Right? I had been doing all of it at one point, and then we got to where, we were trading off a bit more. He was just doing little things. Then it got to a point where I actually needed him to do more of it while I was, like, really in the heat of writing my book and the event and a lot of this.
And I found myself micromanaging. I found myself noticing, like, wait. He’s not doing this right. Wait. He’s not doing that right. There was a time, and you’ll hear more about it in my book, but where I really didn’t show up well for him. And it was like, oh, like, I was kind of blaming him and shaming him for not doing things my way. And I realized that I caught myself because that’s what we have to do.
Right? We’re all human. I observed myself. Right? And then I was like, oh, this is what’s going on. I’m thinking he needs to do it my way. I’m thinking and I’m worrying that the kids aren’t getting what they need. And I just had to touch in and be, okay. I still care about the kids getting what they need, but let’s check-in. Is him not doing it my way bad? And it wasn’t bad.
Right? So, again, we want to delegate. When we do that, we’re trusting someone else to do it. And if there are important key parts that we need done a certain way, that’s where clarity is important because I hadn’t been clear about that. And so we don’t want to micromanage. We don’t wanna get into every exact way somebody needs to do something. And this is something I’ve learned as a boss with people on my team as well. You don’t wanna micromanage, especially because if you’re micromanaging, then it really isn’t saving you that much time or that much energy. It’s just giving you yet another thing to do to manage that person and then you’re ending up still kind of in that task too.
So it’s really important that you don’t micromanage, that you trust, again, that that’s part of that, one of those definitions on Google was to trust when you delegate and make sure that you are doing that, handing that off the outcome. Right? It’s more about an outcome you’re delegating, not a task. You’re delegating that thing being done. So another way to delegate is not necessarily through people, and I mean, obviously, they’re by people at some point, but you might not even work directly with them. An example of this that a lot of you have probably done is buying a resource on TpT, right? That person has done the planning and prepping for you. They’ve written the lesson plan, and you already have it. And we have this, again, in all of our resources in the Educate and Rejuvenate Club too, where all these resources are just done for you, even differentiated to all these different levels. And you could just be like, oh, thank you.
That’s done. Amazing. That’s delegated. I could have spent the time on that, but instead, I’m going to spend just a little bit of money and get this. And now that is delegated and taken care of. Another example of something done for you might be like a meal planning service. Like, you might like, I know people like things like HelloFresh or whatever, where it’s really, like, you might still do some of the prep, but the thinking part is done. I feel like a lot of it is the brain space of, like, oh, now I need to figure out what we’re gonna do for dinner.
And that can be such a big thing and having everything already there and ready for you. And that’s kind of the same thing I found recently, like I mentioned last week. Well, I started a new workout routine. I was started going to and I I’ve kept the yoga that I mentioned before, but I’ve now added on, I’m going to a personal well, it’s a group personal training place. And it’s great, because now I’m getting the strength training too. And so, hopefully, by next to Educate and Rejuvenate, I’m gonna be, like, super strong. Right? That’s the plan. And by next to Educate and Rejuvenate, I mean the event.
I need to get more clear about when I say, now that’s the whole brand. Right? But for 2 years, Educate and Rejuvenate was just the event. So buy our next summer conference. Super excited to see where all this goes because I’m planning on the long term with this. And sharing it on the podcast is just part of that. Right? When I share it, kinda gives me some more accountability. But, again, it took out all the brain space of figuring out, like, oh, like, well, what do I need to do? Because I have all these dumbbells at home, but it’s, like, thinking about what do I need to do with them? How do I wanna do it? When do I wanna do what? And instead now I just know, okay. I just need to show up, and they’re gonna have it all figured out for me.
So that again, they’re not they can’t do the working out for me, but they can take the brain space. And I really think a big part with delegation is where can I delegate the brain space? Because it’s not always just the doing, but it’s how can I free up that space in my mind to make this thing that I still need to do easier? Another kinda category I’m thinking of is, like, household delegation. So, like, I mentioned this one a lot, but grocery delivery and pickup is so helpful for this. Like, just getting those groceries, I love delivery, but also pickup is great too. So you can just have it come to you and you don’t have to think about it and you don’t have as many impulse buys. I find I don’t really impulse buy stuff as much online as I do in the store. So it actually saves money too. Again, drive through and takeout.
That’s also delegation that sometimes really comes in handy. Right? And I realized some of these things I’ve kind of already worked into the episode, but just, again, reminding systems in the house with your kids for them to follow so that over time, a lot of the household stuff is delegated as you build those systems and systems that work to put into place. And we might need to do a whole episode on, like, systems in your classroom and at home. That might be a good 2 part series, and maybe I could even bring in some guests for those. That could be fun. Let me know on Instagram or in the group if you’d like to hear those. Another one that I don’t do all the time, but I do from time to time is actually hiring a house cleaner. It’s like $200, but sometimes it is so worth it.
And, again, this is only if you have the funds and you’re able to do it, but there are times where just the house has become chaotic and, you know, it can feel so much more peaceful at time. And, again, we can always do mind management around it, but sometimes we just wanna free that brain space. Right? So when you if you can, like, maybe back to school is a good time. You’re like, I’m gonna hire a house cleaner. Like, it’s not gonna be an ongoing thing, but I’m gonna get one one time to get my house cleaned up so I can focus more on all this stuff I need to do for back to school. So that’s always something you can have in your back pocket. Like, right now, I need this. Another one is utilizing tech and AI.
And AI is so powerful, and, honestly, I need to dive into it even more, but even what I do use it for, sometimes it helps me a little bit. Like, it helped me a little bit with this podcast outline. It helped me with some brainstorming examples for my book. I mean, I wrote my book, but I didn’t have AI write my book. But sometimes, brainstorming. Right? Ideas or, like, this sentence feels weird. Can you storming. Right? Ideas or, like, oh, this sentence feels weird.
Can you help me rephrase it? Or whatever. But, anyway, AI can be, like, such a great tool. And I know I haven’t even done enough justice with it myself yet, but it can help so much with lesson ideas, organization, so much more. You can use technology or AI to automate newsletters and reminders to parents, researching, scheduling, just so much. And on the podcast, right here on Educate and Rejuvenate the podcast, I recommend checking out episode 117 called is Chat GPT, the future of teacher burnout prevention. That is with Brittany Blackwell. She’s really the first person I met in the teacher space who’s really a go to for AI. She’s so good at that.
And she also did, if you are a member of the Educate and Rejuvenate Club, if you go to the replays from last winter, winter 2023 Educate and Rejuvenate Conference, she did a full hour long, session all about AI and some of the tools she uses for lesson planning and delegating in that area. And, honestly, it just blew my mind. I didn’t know all these things were possible. So if you’re a member of the club, the Educate and Rejuvenate Club, that is our signature membership. If you wanna learn more about it, go to Be sure to check that out. Another great resource for that, my publisher teacher goals, one of their first books, was called The AI Classroom. And it is another amazing book that brings to honestly, it’s, like, a thick, like, like, when I got it in the mail when I got my copy, I was, like, oh, wow.
This is not, like, a little book. This is, like, a big guidebook for all the different things you can do. It’s hefty. With AI, there’s so much you can do. And the way it’s outlined is, like, really digestible and really easy to use. I love that book. I highly recommend it. Might even wonder if I and for those of you who are in the educate and rejuvenate club, I know a lot of you listen to this.
So I’m thinking about swapping with our book club, doing, like, a Rejuvenate book and then an educate book. Our next book club, we just wrapped up our book club with Christina Kuzmic. And we’re gonna start our book club with my book here soon, which, with that one, I think it’s gonna be open to even those not in the club. We’ll just figure out some extra perks for club members because anybody who buys the book, I want the book club for my book. But then we’re gonna keep rotating maybe an educate book and then a rejuvenate book because we’re educate and rejuvenate. Right? We do both. We have the resources and we also have coaching and these events that bring all of it together. It’s so great.
Okay. Well, so we talked about so many different ideas for delegating today. We talked about, first, we really got clear on what delegating is. Like, what does delegating mean to you? I shared that really to me, delegation means to, like, offload a task to someone or something. And really, it’s actually optimizing an outcome. Right? Like, something being complete and done to someone or something. So it’s off your plate and clearing up your brain space and your to do list. That’s kind of how I would explain it.
We’ve talked about how all the people who might be in your life who could help your teacher team, paras, parents, students, your own kids, neighbors, friends. We talked about how clarity is key, and it’s about respect and checking in with people. It’s not about taking all your problems and putting it on someone else. And we don’t wanna micromanage when we delegate too. Right? We also talked about done for you things, such as, like, utilizing TPT resources, meal plans, a workout trainer or an app, household delegation through grocery, delivery or pickup, drive through takeout, systems in the house to get things done, and maybe every once in a while, splurging for a house cleaner if it’s in your budget. And then utilizing tech and AI, there’s so much possibility with that, and that should be its own series of, like, multiple episodes, of course. But, again, you can check out that one, episode 117, with Brittany Blackwell for more on AI and delegating with that. Now, hopefully, overall, the point of this episode wasn’t for me to tell you exactly what you need to do.
It was to help you get ideas flowing with how you can delegate more this school year. And it’s gonna look different for everyone. Right? But believing it’s possible, believing that you already are delegating it in some ways, but you can expand it into delegating in other ways to lighten your load and free up your brain space and rejuvenate yourself even more this school year, how would you do it? So if you were to start delegating, here’s how we’ll close-up today. Here’s close-up the content portion of this today. If you were to just start delegating one thing today, what would it be? How would you do it? Now that’s your homework assignment from me. Get going on that thing that came to your mind. Thank you so much for listening today. I have so many amazing podcasts coming up for you.
I have a really fun interview that I’m hoping to get lined up for next week. But if not, it’ll be a really fun, solo episode with me leading up to the book launch. Probably, like, a sneak peek into my book with some content you’ll wanna hear. So either way, you won’t wanna miss it. So make sure you’re subscribed here on Apple or Spotify or Amazon or Google, wherever you listen to podcasts. Or we’re also on YouTube. If you want the video version, we get, like, 5 people watching over there. And we get, like, you know, 100 over on other platforms.
But we do have YouTube available as an option as well. You can also follow on Instagram. I am working on creating more meaningful bite sized content for you over there. Instagram, again, for a while, it wasn’t really a huge priority for me. So it was just like whatever I was getting out was getting out. But over the next few months, we’re really working on trying to make Instagram a place that you can really count on with some really good, useful, bite sized content coming out. I mean, reels, stories, posts, definitely make sure you check out the stories too because that’s gonna be where even more behind the scenes is going on. So when you see my story pop up, click on it, check it out.

And if you’ve seen one of our posts, engage with it, or share them with friends, it means a lot, and it helps a small business owner, even just when you like or when you comment or when you share with a friend. I really want this to reach as many educators as possible because I believe that all of us as teachers should be able to educate and rejuvenate as a lifestyle. And that and is so important because we’re all teaching. Right? But we’re not all rejuvenating ourselves. That’s why so many teachers are burned out. So I really believe this work and this podcast needs to get out there more to more teachers. So any way you can do that by sharing this episode or, again, going on Instagram, liking and commenting and saving and sharing. All of those help the algorithm to share with more people.

And obviously sharing with your friends does too. Any of that you could do, I would totally appreciate it. And again, I will see you, or probably not see you unless you’re watching on YouTube, but I will chat with you here on the podcast next week. Thank you for joining me on educate and rejuvenate the podcast today. If you love what you heard in this episode, be sure to hit subscribe so you don’t miss the next one. And if you’re hungry for even more, be sure to check out the book that I wrote. It’s called educate and rejuvenate, a 3 step guide to revitalize your teaching, renew your spirit, and reignite your passion for life. It takes everything you learn here on the podcast and that I teach our members inside the educate and rejuvenate club into a guide book you can refer to again and again.

More about Educate & Rejuvenate: The Podcast

Being an educator is beyond a full-time job. Whether you’re a teacher or a homeschool parent, the everyday to-do list is endless. Between lesson planning, grading, meetings, and actually teaching, it probably feels impossible to show up for your students without dropping the ball in other areas of your life.

Educate & Rejuvenate: The Podcast is the show that will bring you the teacher tips, practical strategies, and inspiration that you need to relieve the stress and overwhelm of your day-to-day. Your host, Kelsey Sorenson, is a former teacher and substitute turned homeschool mom. Tune in weekly to hear Kelsey and her guests cheer you on and help you thrive as a wife, teacher, and mommy. Because with a little support and community, you can do it all. To access every single Educate & Rejuvenate resource, join the club at

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kelsey sorenson

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