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Sneak Peek: Full Introduction to “Educate & Rejuvenate” Book [#146]

Click below to listen to episode 146, Sneak Peek: Full Introduction to “Educate & Rejuvenate” Book:

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Let’s get real for a second. If you’re an educator who’s feeling run down, lost in the daily grind, or just plain exhausted, I hear you. Trust me, you’re not alone. But here’s the good news—there’s a way to get your groove back, and it’s all wrapped up in a book that might just change your life. In this post, we’re diving deep into “Educate & Rejuvenate” by Kelsey Sorensen—a must-read that’s gonna help you renew your spirit, reignite that fire in your heart, and bring some serious joy back into your teaching life. So grab a cup of coffee (or maybe something stronger) and get ready to feel inspired!

Unveiling the Three-Step Guide to Revitalize Your Teaching, Renew Your Spirit, and Reignite Your Passion for Life

Teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, but it can also be downright exhausting. We’ve all been there—feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and like we’re barely keeping our heads above water. 

In her book “Educate & Rejuvenate,” Kelsey Sorensen knows this struggle all too well. She’s crafted a three-step framework that’s all about helping educators like you and me rediscover our passion, find balance, and ultimately fall back in love with teaching and life.

The Library Book Ugly Cry Incident

Kelsey doesn’t hold back in her book’s introduction, sharing a raw and vulnerable story that hits close to home for so many of us. 

Picture this: Kelsey, a 22-year-old student teacher, finds herself breaking down in tears over a library book. This wasn’t just any cry—it was the kind of ugly cry that comes from deep within, where the weight of all those insecurities, self-doubts, and overwhelming emotions just comes crashing down. It’s the kind of moment where you feel like you’re drowning, and I bet more than a few of us have been there. 

Kelsey’s story isn’t just a tearjerker; it’s a reality check that acknowledges the emotional toll teaching can take.

The Educator’s Struggle

Let’s talk about something we all know too well—burnout. It’s like a shadow that’s always lurking in the background, ready to pounce when you’re at your lowest. Kelsey dives into the harsh reality of teacher burnout, backed up by some jaw-dropping statistics and personal experiences that make you realize just how widespread this issue really is. 

From the constant stress of classroom demands to the ever-changing landscape of education—hello, remote learning and pandemic chaos—teachers are being stretched thinner than ever. And while we might joke about needing that extra cup of coffee or counting down the days until summer break, the truth is, our emotional and mental well-being is at risk, and it’s high time we start addressing it.

The Birth of Educate & Rejuvenate

So, what’s the answer? For Kelsey, it came in the form of the “Educate & Rejuvenate” movement. 

This isn’t just a one-off self-help book; it’s a full-on revolution that’s touched the lives of thousands of educators, bringing hope, joy, and a renewed sense of purpose. Kelsey’s message is clear: it’s time to reclaim our passion for teaching, but also for life itself. This movement is more than just a trend—it’s a lifeline for teachers who are ready to make a change, and it’s inspiring a whole new generation of educators to find their spark again.

The Transformative Framework

At the heart of this movement is Kelsey’s three-step coaching framework, which she outlines in the book. 

First up is “Be the Observer,” where Kelsey encourages us to step back and really understand ourselves—our thoughts, our feelings, and what’s driving us. This isn’t about quick fixes; it’s about self-awareness and getting in tune with our conscious mind. 

Next is “Choose Your Direction,” a powerful step that’s all about setting clear goals and deciding what we really want, both in our careers and in our lives. 

And finally, there’s “Align Yourself,” which is all about staying on track and keeping our goals in sight, even when the going gets tough. This framework is like a roadmap for personal and professional growth, helping us navigate the ups and downs of teaching with grace and resilience.

The Path to Transformation

“Educate & Rejuvenate” is not just a band-aid solution. Kelsey is all about fostering a deep, lasting transformation that goes beyond the classroom. She’s packed the book with practical tools, exercises, and even a workbook to help you dig deep and really make those changes stick. It’s like having a personal coach in your corner, guiding you every step of the way as you rediscover what makes you passionate about teaching—and about life.

Kelsey doesn’t shy away from sharing her own struggles, and it’s that honesty that makes this movement feel so real and relatable. This book isn’t just promising a quick fix; it’s offering a blueprint for living a more fulfilled, joyful life, both inside and outside the classroom.

Invitation to Embrace Transformation

If you’re feeling burned out, overwhelmed, or just plain stuck, “Educate & Rejuvenate” might just be the lifeline you’ve been waiting for. Kelsey’s offering more than just a book; she’s inviting you to join a movement. And the best part? You don’t have to wait to start. The first chapter and introduction are available for early readers, and if you grab the book now, you’ll get access to some amazing bonuses like an exclusive app, book club discussions, and more. 

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started on this journey together, and who knows—by the end of it, you might just find yourself falling in love with teaching all over again. Here’s to revitalizing our spirits, reigniting our passion, and living our best lives—one chapter at a time.

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Do you love Educate & Rejuvenate: The Podcast? Take our podcast quiz to get a personalized playlist of episodes you don’t want to miss! 

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Read the transcript for Sneak Peek: Full Introduction to “Educate & Rejuvenate” Book [#146] below:

Have you ever felt overwhelmed to the point where you just find yourself sobbing on the floor in a huge snotty mess? On today’s episode, I share a personal story straight from the introduction of my brand new book, Educate and Rejuvenate, a 3 step guide to revitalize your teaching, renew your spirit, and reignite your passion for life. And I call this my library book ugly cry incident. It was just one of the many experiences that eventually led to a turning point in my life where I knew just something had to change. You’ll get to hear the full introduction of my book read aloud by me before anybody else. Let’s go. Welcome to Educate and Rejuvenate, the podcast to help you revitalize your teaching, renew your spirit, and reignite your passion for life. I’m your host, Kelsey Sorensen, a former teacher, current homeschool mom, published author, and certified life coach. Whether you are a teacher in a traditional classroom, homeschool from your kitchen table, or anywhere in between, I am on a mission to help you not only survive as an educator, but thrive.

Get ready to up level your skills with incredible insights from guest experts and discover the missing piece, rejuvenating yourself. Are you ready to both educate and rejuvenate? Let’s go. I am so thrilled to be here recording this episode today. It feels like such a moment that has just been waiting for forever. I signed my book contract May of 2023, and we are now in August of 2024, and the book is about to come. And when you’re listening to this, it’ll be September, I’m pretty sure. But when I’m recording this, it’s August of 2024, and it just feels so surreal to me that I have the ebook pulled up right here on my screen with the fonts, with the layout and everything, ready to read aloud the introduction to my listeners who I love and cherish so much. Like, I just am full of love today for all of you, and can’t wait to share this with you today.

Because this book, it’s really not about me. Right? It’s about you, the reader, and what you can get from it. But, of course, I do start with my personal story and why I wrote this book and how it’s going to help you. Right? So today, I got permission from teacher goals, my amazing publisher, to read the introduction aloud to you before anybody else. It’s not like a recording for the audio book or anything. We have not done that yet. And I know, podcast listeners, you’re probably like, I love listening to a podcast. When are you gonna have the audio book? But we hope to have an audio book soon.
There is a number of books that I need to sell before we can get an audiobook. So if you want an audiobook, you really want it, I encourage you to snag a copy now because that is really going to help us to get to that audiobook. And trust me, this is a book where you’re going to want both the physical and the audio because there are a lot of things written out, and visuals, and things you’re going to love to have that book to reference. Plus, we make it so worth your purchase with all the bonuses and everything else you’re going to get when you purchase a copy. So it’s not like you’re gonna be buying 2 of the same thing. And by the time we get to the audiobook, I’ll probably have some, like, special audio things that are only with the audio book too. So it’s really like you’re getting 2 separate things that go together when you do. So anyway, that was an aside.
But this isn’t even an audio book recording. This is me making a special recording of this introduction for you, my podcast listeners. It is literally me reading it right now to you and I just cannot wait to do so. Okay. So let’s dive in. This is the introduction to the book. The introduction to educate and rejuvenate, a 3 step guide to revitalize your teaching, renew your spirit, and reignite your passion for life by Kelsey Sorensen. By me.
That’s so crazy. I wrote a book. Okay. So let’s dive into the introduction. Ugly crying on my classroom floor is a 22 year old student teacher was far from my proudest moment. You’d think that one of my 3rd graders would be the one crying over a lost library book. Not me. The emotions I have bottled up were coming out through uncontrollable sobs.
I was so consumed in my own despair that I had hardly noticed the chaos I had created in my frantic search for the lost book with scattered papers and belongings strewn all over the floor. It didn’t register that it was getting dark outside my classroom window and that my husband had probably wondered why he hadn’t heard from me yet long after the school bell had signaled the end of the day. I was so lost in my sobs that I was unaware that my sweet mentor teacher was trying to console me. Instead, I prayed that the sound of my cries would drown out the voice in my head telling me, if you can’t keep track of a library book, how will you ever be a successful teacher? Crumpled on the carpet, it became painfully clear that it wasn’t a book that brought me to tears. It was the weight of my insecurities and inadequacies suffocating me with every breath. The school I was student teaching at was in a low income area. My students faced a variety of problems at home, lack of resources, hygiene issues, and even incarcerated parents. Many of these students struggled to focus and stay awake.
They were not eager to learn. I made it my mission to ignite their passion through student led learning. When it was my time to teach about animals and their habitats, I decided to do a group project. Each group would show off their hard work to the class with a habitat fair at the end of the unit, where they’d be the experts and tell everyone who stopped by their exhibit about the habitat and their assigned animals within them. As I explained the unit, I can see the students’ eyes light up. They were finally excited about something. I wanted to encourage their excitement by ensuring they had the materials necessary to succeed and easily find the information they needed, but there was a problem. The books at the school library were insufficient for them to get the information they needed.
With no iPads and only 2 ancient computers for the entire class, technology was not the answer either. So I went to the public library and checked out every Habitat book I could get my hands on on my library card for the kids to research. However, after the unit ended and I needed to collect all the books and return them to the public library, one of them was missing. In hindsight, I am amazed that only one book was gone, but as a naive new teacher, the thought that a book would go missing hadn’t even crossed my mind. I hadn’t kept track of who had which book. I searched their desks in the classroom. I asked the students if they happen to have an extra book at home by chance. No response.
I found myself empty handed. After a fruitless search for the book inside my students’ desks, I knew for sure that it was gone for good and that I was responsible for ensuring its safe return. Hence, my breakdown on the classroom floor where I found myself in that dramatized, snotty mess. You might think that this toddler esque meltdown was a bit of an overreaction, but all of these tears and heartache were not simply over a lost library book. It was I had hit a breaking point. Through the stress of student teaching, preparing for a new baby who would be arriving in just a few months, and our finances now that I’d left my job to student teach, I had been resisting the emotions and bottling them up carefully. This was the moment that the metaphorical bottle exploded. Over the years of working with educators, I’ve realized I’m far from alone from this experience.
Many educators are reaching their limits. Simply pull up an education news article, and you’ll find that teacher burnout is at an all time high. According to a 2022 Gallup panel, 44% of educators say they were burned out always or very often, outpacing all other industries nationally. The most common feeling that comes up with my clients in a coaching session is overwhelmed. These feelings of stress are also apparent when you look at the deeper messages in teacher memes on social media, from the popular graphic comparing teachers to taming velociraptors in Jurassic Park, to numerous memes about there not being enough coffee to get through the day. What do these have in common? They make us laugh so we don’t cry about our struggles. When we live in a consistent state of overwhelm and neglecting our needs, we may feel like we are just surviving the demands of being an educator. Between the widening gaps in education from a global pandemic, substitute shortages preventing teachers from taking care of themselves even when sick, and many shifts in education, including remote learning and more parents deciding to take education into their own hands and homeschool, education is an ever changing landscape.
Does this mean that educators must choose between loathing their lives or quitting teaching? Not necessarily. Despite the odds, there are educators who are thriving, but the playbook has changed. Now that playbook is in your hands to guide you through this process, starting wherever you are. You can get off the roller coaster when you decide to educate and rejuvenate. The educate and rejuvenate movement began when my team and I hosted a virtual conference in 2022. Over the past couple of years, the phrase has resonated deep within the hearts of thousands of educators everywhere. In their own words, attendees said these events have helped them feel hope, joy, and inspiration so they could get their fire back. I hope you feel that same experience throughout this book.
I wrote this book for all educators, whether you teach preschool, elementary, secondary, or adults in a traditional classroom, online, or homeschool your children, this book will help you thrive as a teacher. The strategies you’ll learn will help you have a healthier relationship with your role as an educator because you’ll start incorporating the missing piece, rejuvenating yourself. And I’m not just talking about taking a bubble bath, getting your nails done, and I’m not just talking about taking a bubble bath, getting your nails done, or fluffy self care. Nothing is wrong with that. It can be a part of taking care of yourself, But what is going to make the biggest difference is a deep soul rejuvenation, allowing you to connect with yourself and know your deep needs and desires so you can actually meet them. Develop awareness of what is happening inside your mind and your body to stop the emotional buildup that leads to constant overwhelm. Be able to calm yourself down in the moment when you’re feeling stressed so that you can show up the way you want to. Stop people pleasing and finally listen to your inner voice to honor yourself while still authentically serving others.
Navigate boundaries and crucial conversations with coworkers instead of letting resentment fester. Cultivate more positive self talk to feel confidence and joy in teaching and life. Learn to be motivated by love instead of fear, to live a life of abundance. Rejuvenating yourself outside of just living and breathing the role of teacher will help you provide your life’s best work as an educator. You need to show that love for yourself by looking inward before you can impact your students and others in your life in the best way. Are you ready for a soul rejuvenation that begins from within? I am here to help you discover how to thrive inside and outside of teaching. I can help you because I get you. While I’ve taught in the classroom and homeschooled my kids, I’ve also supported over a 100,000 teachers through my resources and blog over the past 10 years.
And now, as a life coach, I hold space for those in our community to navigate whatever challenges are coming their way every week via my coaching program, podcast, and social media community. Our educate and rejuvenate community involves all kinds of teachers, including general education teachers, administrators, homeschoolers, special education teachers, college professors, and others. I’m far from the only person with a breakdown like the one I had over a library book. From the veteran teacher of over 20 years who felt like a beginner again when switching to a new grade, to the homeschool mom who’s at her wit’s end with her child’s unique knees, to the educator who was struggling with weight gain as he found himself heading to the pantry each time he got stressed out. These situations seem to come up for almost every educator. Throughout my work as a life coach, I put together a 3 step educate and rejuvenate coaching framework. Be the observer. In the first five chapters of the book, you will learn how to go from subconsciously being driven by your thoughts and feelings to understanding what is going on with your conscious mind.
You’ll gain strengths and self awareness, metacognition, thinking about your thinking, and mindfulness. This first step of the framework is the foundation of this work and will help you understand yourself unlike ever before. Choose your direction. In the book’s next three chapters, you’ll take your observations and consciously choose what you want to keep and what you want to let go of. You’ll become clear on your desires and become conscious of your thoughts and processing your feelings. And finally, you’ll set goals to get to where you want to go. Align yourself. The final three chapters of the book will help you choose your direction and stick to your long term goals.
You’ll also learn strategies for increasing your comeback rate when you get off track, reassessing your choices, and noticing and celebrating your progress. And then, in the book, we have this beautiful graphic that shows the 3 steps that you’ll be able to see when you grab your copy of the book. However, this framework isn’t just a to do list to cross off the 3 items and call it a day. Rather than a one and done framework, each step builds upon each other. This book’s pages will help you build awareness and create habits to make educating and rejuvenating a life style rather than a checklist. The first step to your educate and rejuvenate transformation is to commit to reading and finishing the book. Even if that is all you do, you’ll see shifts in your mindset and perspective because you can’t unknow the tools or any moments that you have while reading. However, the most significant transformation comes with reading and applying the strategies taught in this book.
You’ll notice shifts as soon as you apply these tools. We have had members of our community have used these tools for just a few months and have seen a huge difference. As you start implementing, you’ll feel greater self love and appreciation for your life. You will be in awe if you continue this process for a full year. The tools you will learn in this book and exercises in the free book, which you’ll get at the link when you purchase your copy of the book, will help you change your direction, make taking intentional action more effortless, and transform your life. Your relationships will take on new meaning as you learn how to stop people pleasing and live more authentically, and you’ll learn how to create a teaching practice that works for you rather than against you. An educate and rejuvenate lifestyle is a process, not a destination. We never arrive at some destination where our lives are perfect.
Even as I write this book, I still find myself overwhelmed sometimes with all my teaching responsibilities, even though my current classroom has shifted from a traditional one. The difference is that now I have the framework and tools to shift that overwhelm and not stay there. We want to get to some destination because we think that is when we will feel better, But we truly want the feeling we think we will have when we get there. More than anything else, we just want to feel good. I have the best news for you. You can feel that way once you learn and utilize the tools in this book. Let’s get started. Okay, so that is the introduction to the book.
You got to hear it first, and it was so surreal reading it out loud to all of you here today. And what I love about this book is it’s not about me, like I mentioned, it’s about you. And I’m so glad to hear that it has already been resonating with our early readers. I had a few early readers who read the full book for me to just, you know, patch any little things, and also just kinda get a feel for how is this resonating with teachers? How can we talk about it? And here are what a few of them had to say. Sarah said that the examples in the book perfectly clarified for me. The thoughtfulness and emotions help others to relate to the model. I am ready to start my own journey through the model to make some changes. And by the model, she’s talking about the self coaching model that we utilize, which is one of the tools we utilize within that educate and rejuvenate framework.
So thank you, Sarah, for that. And then Hannah said, I feel like everything I’ve learned in the club is now tied in a neat package in this book. It gives my ADHD brain a more organized understanding of every call I’ve ever been to the past year. This book is like clarity for my brain. So those of you who haven’t been in the club yet, even Sarah and Hannah, they’re both members of the club. They’re lifers. Like, they went all in, and they still learn so much from this book. And so if you’ve just been listening to the podcast, and you’re like, I would love to take this to the next level, purchasing a copy of the the book is going to help give you that transformation.
I’ll share a little bit more how to, but also, you can be an early reader as well if you would like to. If you go to, you’ll be added to the wait list so we can send you an email about when the book comes out, send you invites to all the lives and giveaways and fun things we’ll be doing during launch week, and you’ll get the full written version of the intro that I just read to you and chapter 1. I didn’t read chapter 1 yet. You can get chapter 1 sent right to your inbox so you can read it today. Those will be sent immediately after you sign up. But again, I don’t want you to stop there because they really want you to have access to the full book, and we’re really making it worth your while to purchase a copy. So when you purchase the book, not only are you getting the book that has so many tools and strategies within it that you can read over and over again, you also get a full PDF workbook that that I’m actually still tweaking. I thought we had it done.
I’m like, no, there’s more I need to add. I really want this workbook to be like you are able to create this educate and rejuvenate lifestyle with the exercises, with everything that we put together in this PDF workbook that you can print and fill out and apply. Because like I mentioned in the introduction, even just reading the book is going to be great. It’s gonna make a lot of differences for you. But when you apply it, when you utilize the workbook and the exercises within it, it is going to give you such a deeper transformation, a deeper knowledge of yourself about what you love about teaching, about getting back to that, about what you want outside of teaching in your life. You’re not gonna be alone doing the exercises either because I plan on, right now, our app is only available to our members and people who purchase Platinum Pass for our last Educate Virginia event. But also, anybody who purchases a copy of the book is going to get access to the app this month as well. And they’re going to get access to some videos where I that I took to kind of walk you through each exercise that you can watch on your own time.
So you have videos to walk you through how to do each exercise, and my tips and tricks for you. Plus, that’s not all, you’re also going to be able to ask me your questions if you join or if you grab your book. Before we get started, we have our 1st book club call on September 26th, then every 3 weeks, we’re gonna get together to talk about a few chapters of the book, and for me to help you with any of the exercises and answer your questions and really just come together and discuss. In the Educate and Rejuvenate Club, we had so much fun at our last book club that we did with Christina Kuzmic’s book that I mentioned before. This time, we’re doing a book club with my book. And for that reason, we’re not only inviting our Educate and Rejuvenate Club members. We’re inviting anybody who purchased a copy of the book to join us for this book club. And it’s going to be a really great time, a really deep dive.
Plus, we’re going to give you a $30 credit to the Educate and Rejuvenate resource shop. So you can get $30 in resources from our shop to basically pay for your copy of the book. And you’re also going to get, if you haven’t joined us in the educate and rejuvenate club yet, we’re going to offer you a free month to come and join us and give it a try if you want to join us in the club. So that’s everything you get. Like, it’s a huge value, so much more than you pay for the book when you order your copy, and you’ll get these bonuses when you preorder the book or when you purchase during launch week, which will go through September 19th. So if you order your book by then, you’ll get all of these bonuses. And we even have, like, if you purchase multiple copies. For example, we have a teacher bestie bundle.
And with that, you’ll not only get everything I already mentioned, but you’ll get a store credit of $60 instead. Both you and your friend will get $60. And you will both get a ticket to our winter educate and rejuvenate event. So that, again, pays for that second copy of the book. So you can not only educate and rejuvenate by yourself, but do it with a friend. Having that accountability partner makes it so much more powerful. And again, we’re giving you the resource credit and a ticket for you and your friend to the event to more than pay for that second copy. We also have it if you buy 10 copies for a book club, or 30 copies.
If you can talk to your admin and see if they want to purchase a copy for everybody at your school, I will do an hour long PD and a bunch of other bonuses for any school who purchases 30 copies. These bonuses will be available when you preorder or purchase during launch week. And I hope, as you’re listening, we have the paperback preorder up. As I’m recording this, again, it’s August 21st as I’m recording. I’m recording ahead of my husband and I’s trip to Maui. But hopefully, there is a paperback pre order up, but if not, it’ll be available soon. You can find it on Amazon. During launch week, I’ll also be doing a lot of live giveaways, fun, and so much more.

So make sure you’re subscribed to the podcast so I can fill you in on all of that. And I’m just so so thrilled for this book. Make sure that, again, you’re on the wait list. If you wanna read chapter 1 right now, go to educate, and we’ll get that to you. K. You are amazing. You are worth taking time to take care of yourself today, whatever that looks like for you. And next week, we will start talking about the 3 step framework that I mentioned in the introduction of this book.

I’m going to give you a little overview right here on the podcast, because again, I want this work for everyone. Even if you don’t purchase a copy of the book, I want you to still keep listening, and get a little taste of the 3 step framework here on the podcast, what I’m able to share in this medium, this format with you. So we’re going to have a podcast each week for each step of the 3 step framework. So next week, I’ll be talking about how to observe yourself, then I’ll be talking about how to choose your direction, and then I’ll be talking about how to align yourself. You will not want to miss this 3 step series. So make sure you’re subscribed to the podcast, and we’ll talk next week. Thank you for joining me on educate and rejuvenate the podcast today. If you love what you heard in this episode, be sure to hit subscribe so you don’t miss the next one.

And if you’re hungry for even more, be sure to check out the book that I wrote. It’s called educate and rejuvenate a 3 step guide to revitalize your teaching, renew your spirit, and reignite your passion for life. It takes everything you learn here on the podcast and that I teach our members inside the Educate and Rejuvenate Club into a guidebook you can refer to again and again. One of our early readers said it was like clarity for her brain. Plus, it’s not only a book. With your purchase, you’ll get a full PDF guide with exercises and links to videos and more so that you can not only consume, but apply everything that you learn. If you’re ready to make educate and rejuvenate, not just a podcast you passively listen to, but a lifestyle that you put into action, it’s time to grab your copy on Amazon today, or head to educate and to read the first chapter and the introduction today.

More about Educate & Rejuvenate: The Podcast

Being an educator is beyond a full-time job. Whether you’re a teacher or a homeschool parent, the everyday to-do list is endless. Between lesson planning, grading, meetings, and actually teaching, it probably feels impossible to show up for your students without dropping the ball in other areas of your life.

Educate & Rejuvenate: The Podcast is the show that will bring you the teacher tips, practical strategies, and inspiration that you need to relieve the stress and overwhelm of your day-to-day. Your host, Kelsey Sorenson, is a former teacher and substitute turned homeschool mom. Tune in weekly to hear Kelsey and her guests cheer you on and help you thrive as a wife, teacher, and mommy. Because with a little support and community, you can do it all. To access every single Educate & Rejuvenate resource, join the club at

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