These remote learning 3rd grade packets are full of distance learning activities. They are perfect to email home on remote learning days or to use with students as homework packets, no-prep lessons, sub plans, enrichment activities, homeschool lessons, and more! They are also great for parents and homeschoolers who want more activities to do at home with their children.
Each of the distance learning activities includes an optional lesson plan that can be utilized to teach the children about the concepts inside the packet. These packets are formatted just like our best-selling Ready To Go Sub Plans. Our lesson plans are always simple enough that anyone, regardless of teaching experience, can use them. (Note: These packets involve generic wording, such as “child” instead of “student”, so they are versatile enough to be used by teachers and parents alike)
This homework packet includes everything you need for a full week of math, language arts, reading, writing, brain breaks, and art.
WANT THE BIGGEST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK? Grab this set of all EIGHT weeks’ worth of Learning Packets! You save BIG TIME by grabbing the bundle!
Each PDF packet includes:
- EDITABLE Note to Teacher/Parent page: This gives instructions to YOU for using the packet, and once you’ve read them, you can delete the contents to write a note to parents, so they know how you’d like them to utilize the packet!
- Daily Math Review: This quick review will go over grade-appropriate math content broken up into five days.
- Fluency Practice: These include 20 problems that the students should be able to solve quickly. There are three fluency pages included in this packet!
- Math Lesson: The math lesson focuses on word problem-solving strategies. There is a lesson plan and two worksheets included.
- Backwards Story Problem: The students are given an answer and need to come up with a problem that has their answer. Then, they will brainstorm who and what the problem is about, write the problem, and draw a picture. The backwards story problem is broken up into five days.
- Reading Lesson to use with ANY Book! This reading lesson can be used as a read-aloud for any narrative story. It is focused on making connections during reading. This lesson can be used over and over with new stories!
- Reading Prompts & Lesson: A lesson plan is included to introduce the topic (basketball) for the reading prompt. Includes a comprehension passage and four comprehension questions.
- Basketball Flap Book Activity: Students will draw and color their favorite experience with basketball inside the flap book. They will also write a statement about an experience they have with basketball. A lesson plan is also included.
- Directed Drawing: Step-by-step art and writing activity! “How To” draw a boy/girl. Students will learn to draw a boy/girl and then write a short story about their boy/girl.
- Comprehension Questions: This page contains some suggested questions you can ask your student to spark conversation about the book(s) they are reading.
- Weekly Sentence Work: Students will fix sentences at their grade level with this fun and engaging worksheet. There is one sentence per day for a total of five sentences on the worksheet!
- Narrative Writing Lesson: Students will write a short story using the suggested prompts for the week. Lesson plan, brainstorming page, and writing/illustration page included.
- Color by Number & Color by Word: One color by number and one color by word worksheet is included.
- Brain Break Activities: One indoor and one outdoor brain break activity idea. Each packet contains new ideas!
- Art Activity: This packet contains a lesson plan for an abstract art activity that can be used over and over. Each packet has a new art lesson plan!
- Answer Keys: Answer keys are included for student worksheets.
WANT THE BIGGEST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK? Grab this set of all EIGHT weeks’ worth of Learning Packets! You save BIG TIME by grabbing the bundle!
“Thank you for providing this much-needed resource as we engage in social distancing in schools.”
“Thank you for this resource and everything that you provide. Your work is always amazing and helpful.”
“Thank you for being so thoughtful in providing this resource to our students!”
“As a first-year teacher, I greatly appreciate this! I have been extremely concerned as I was unprepared for something like this.”
“Kelsey this resource is SO GREAT! Just as a mom, there are so many of these activities I can be doing with my elementary-aged kid while he’s home from school.”
“This is awesome! What a great variety of activities! Thank you again for this wonderful resource!”
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