These units are perfect for students who are learning how to use informational text and studying a variety of science topics. Students will first learn how to use the text features in an informational text including the table of contents and index. Then, students will be assigned a partner. For each unit, they will study the topic broadly and then be assigned a more specific portion to study. Each unit includes a culminating art project and report.
Individual Unit Info
Previews are available for each individual unit!
United States Presidents Research Unit
Students will study presidents and their role in general and then be assigned a specific president to research. The students will write a report/presentation about their president and create a paper plate mask. Finally, other classes and parents will be invited to the president fair where your students can show off their cool salt dough fossils and answer questions about their dinosaurs!
United States Research Unit
Students will be assigned a state to research. The students will write a report and presentation about their state and create a salt dough model of it, including landforms, bodies of water, and landmarks. Finally, other classes and parents will be invited to the “State Fair”.
Black History Research Unit
Students will study black history and civil rights. They will then be assigned a black history leader to research. The students will write a report/presentation about their assigned person. Then, they will create a poster with a hand drawing of their person with their characteristics and traits. Finally, you may invite other classes and parents to show off their hard work.
Holidays Around The World Research Unit
Students will study holidays around the world and a specific assigned holiday. The students will write a report/presentation about their holiday and create a decoration to go along with the holiday. Finally, other classes and parents will be invited to the “Holiday Fair” where your students can show off their decorations and reports.
Women in History Research Unit
Students will study women in history and a specific noteworthy and inspiring woman. The students will write a report/presentation about their person. Then, they will create a poster with a hand drawing of their person with their characteristics and traits. Finally, you may invite other classes and parents to show off their hard work.
Scientists & Inventors Research Unit
Students will study scientists and inventors- otherwise known as innovators. The students will write a report/presentation about their person. Then, they will create a model of their invention or discovery. Finally, you may invite other classes and parents to show off their hard work.
This bundle only includes the social studies units and not science. For the BEST deal, grab the Science and Social Studies Research Unit Mega Bundle and save more!